Unit tests for a Quasar app

    Testing has always been something mysterious and difficult for me. As is often the case, tests are written afterward, as something that would be great to have at the end of the project...

    Estimated time: 8 min read

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    My favorite flavor of JAM

    One of the modern trends in web development is static site generation, namely JAM stack...

    Estimated time: 5 min read

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    2020 in Review

    Now that this crazy year is finally over, it's time to take stock of what 2020 has turned out to be for me...

    Estimated time: 5 min read

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    Vue Tips & Tricks

    Recently I've been tweeting some Vue.js tips that I found along the way diving deeper into the Vue world...

    Estimated time: 2 min read

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    GeekScore — a passionate learning journey

    Perhaps the best way to learn new technologies is to build your pet project...

    Estimated time: 8 min read

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    ES6 and beyond. Gotchas.

    I am currently reading - You don’t know JS by Kyle Simpson. It’s a popular series of books in the world of web development

    Estimated time: 4 min read

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    My First Post

    Hello World!

    Estimated time: 1 min read

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